Paul Stanford


Paul Stanford Biography

Paul Stanford is an American political activist and businessman who is also the founder and president of The Hemp and Cannabis Foundation (THCF), THCF Medical Clinics, and the Campaign for the Restoration and Regulation of Hemp (CRRH).

Paul is an Entrepreneur with expertise in hemp, cannabis and medical marijuana, and business and nonprofit management. Paul founded and manages medical clinics in several states, and founded and manages national political organizations. In 1988 Paul arranged financing and bank letters of credit for import/export of cargo container shipments of hemp products to and from Asia, Europe and North America. Since 1999, Paul’s current business The Hemp and Cannabis Foundation has operated medical clinics in 12 states helping patients obtain their state’s medical marijuana permits. THCF has helped over 250,000 patients to date and growing. 


Another one of Paul’s businesses, which was founded over 25 years ago is the Campaign for the Restoration and Regulation of hemp (CRRH). CRRH is a federally registered political committee, a 501c4 under IRS rules. CRRH is working to end adult marijuana prohibition and to restore industrial hemp to a prominent role in the world’s economy. CRRH placed Oregon’s Measure 80 to legalize hemp and cannabis on the ballot in 2012, which obtained 47% of the Oregon vote on Nov. 6, 2012, and continues the political work for global cannabis freedom.