Gai Cullen
Gai Cullen Biography
Gai Cullen is a visionary entrepreneur and dedicated permaculturalist, residing on the newly established Swara Plains Conservancy in Kenya. As the founder and owner of Wells Fargo Courier Service, Gai has combined her business acumen with her deep commitment to sustainability and community well-being.
Living off the grid for 22 years on her organically certified smallholding, NURISHA, Gai has harnessed solar, biogas, and wind energy to create a self-sufficient lifestyle. With roots in a long lineage of English herbalists, she possesses a profound passion for indigenous herbal knowledge and soil biology, believing in the importance of nurturing the land. Gai advocates for using pigs to till the soil and practices chemical-free farming methods to promote healthy ecosystems.
At NURISHA, no pesticides or harsh chemicals are used, and all wastewater is carefully filtered through a wetland system before being redirected to a dam that supports local wildlife. Gai’s mission is clear: to pool knowledge and resources to enhance food security for Kenyans amidst the challenges of climate change. By adhering to the three principles of permaculture—Earth care, care of all creatures, and fair share—Gai is dedicated to making a lasting impact on both her community and the environment.